
Lime your soil for better crops

Agricultural Limestone is a soil additive made from pulverized limestone. Chemically known as calcium carbonate, CaCO3 it varies in colour from white to grey. The primary active component is calcium carbonate.

Agricultural limestone and dolomite are high-quality, natural minerals used to condition and enrich crop soil. Alaska Dolomite products are milled to a fine consistency under strict quality control standards. There are two important considerations for choosing agricultural limestone products:

Considerations for choosing agricultural limestone products

Lime your soil for better crops

Agricultural Limestone (also known as aglime or ag lime) is important for soil health by neutralizing the acidity, raising the pH level, and improving the availability and absorption of soil nutrients. Agricultural limestone also improves plant health by improving its cell-wall structure and increasing its resistance to disease and insects. Limestone is an important amendment to clay soils, which are subject to compaction, crack and crust over easily, and have reduced water penetration.

NOTE: Agricultural Dolomite (dolomitic limestone) is another form of agricultural limestone that contains more magnesium. Dolomitic lime is a preferable soil additive for sandy soils, which have large particles and are unable to hold magnesium or calcium minerals, and do not retain water.

Agricultural Limestone improves plant health:

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